Cost of resurfacing a tennis court South Africa

Cost of Resurfacing A Tennis Court

The cost of resurfacing an old tennis court will vary according to the following factors. The age of the court, the court’s condition – how flat the surface of the court is, the extent of weed growth and the presence of any loose chippings. Finally your choice of new surface

Even with regular maintenance, tennis courts deteriorate. The color fades over time, ultra-violet light will damage the surface of a Tarmac tennis court, cracks appear on the surface and low or uneven areas develop. Not only is this unsightly, it’s also dangerous because the cracks and uneven surface increase the chance of tripping during play. At the same time, a lack of regular brushing and moss killing will also degrade the surface. Most hard courts need resurfacing every four to eight years depending on usage and maintenance habits. The resurfacing process includes surveying the court for damage and signs of wear, filling cracks and applying a coat of acrylic. As soon as the surface is smooth and even, the project ends with a top coat of paint and new play lines.

We like to be as transparent as possible about the prices we charge. To find out more about the processes involved in resurfacing a tennis court, Tennis Courts Construction and Tar surfacing, please contact us.

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